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Re: gEDA-user: classroom use of gEDA
Hi Dan,
> Is anyone out there using gEDA, gnucap, or PCB in a classroom
> environment? I'd like to hear about it if you are.
I made a bootable Linux CDROM for my students.
I have not included gnucap but Spice3f5.
Also I gave up to use PCB, and tell students to install Eagle
for their own computers.
(But it will be easy to include PCB and gnucapin the bootable CDROM.)
Then the CDROM only contains:
Icarus Verilog,Alliance CAD System,GTKwave,
Spice3F5,Magic,Verilator,my own tools (sfl2vl,sfl2vh)
and many tutorial examples.
ISO image of the CDROM is placed on following web:
I would like to translate my tutorial text book (written in Japanese),
but I have not enough time ;-<
It includes:
HDL(SFL) introduction
Logic simulation with Icarus,GTKwave
Logic simulation with Verilator
Layout design with Alliance
Circuit simulation from layout with Alliance and Spice3
RISC CPU Design with compiler/assembler (bison/flex).
If you can read Japanese, please check the tutorial PDF for detail.