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Re: gEDA-user: Electric clothing and gEDA at NYLUG!
> wouldn't hurt.
> Interestingly, many people find the best way to find the live
> software is via a search for recent Debian packages. The lesson here
> is: Keep those Debian APTs fresh and up to date!
> 2. There is a large community of people using FOSS tools for embedded
> microcontroller developement (e.g. free compilers & PROM burners).
> Unlike the gEDA project -- which specializes in classical EDA tools --
> the FOSS embedded tools area doesn't seem to have a single place which
> gathers the tools, or even points to them. That is, there is
> apparently no "portal" for FOSS embedded tools.
What about opencollector.org?
> I am not an expert in this area, so I don't know from personal
> experience. However, folks at the meeting felt this was the case.
> Any opinions about this from gEDA users?
> Stuart