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Re: gEDA-user: A little presentatin I made
Em Qui 16 Jun 2005 12:57, Stuart Brorson escreveu:
> Kewl!
> What was the occasion? University seminar? How many people attended?
> Is that you wearing a tie in Imag002.jpg?
> Stuart
Yes, that fat guy wearing tie its me :D
I made it in a placa called SUCESU which want to promote events about software
at all, and the guy who commands it is a free software fan (and works with a
lot of code to the mono project) and they give the room and the projector to
made it.
There was about 15 people in there, yesterday was a cold rainy night here in
my city, but whith more than 50 people subscribe to it. Some asked me to made
it on universitys, I think I will made some presentations in the next months.