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Re: gEDA-user: Spurious reference to U? from gnetlist

Hi David,

My browser says the server is not answering.... 
Can you post the schematic to the mailing list?



El jue, 29-06-2006 a las 02:51 -0700, David Griffith escribiÃ:
> Here's a .sch file: http://www.cs.csubak.edu/~dgriffi/geda/alu.sch.  This
> is the ALU portion of Bill Buzbee's Magic-1 homebrew computer.  When I do
> drc checking with this:
> gnetlist -g drc2 alu.sch -o drc_output.txt
> I get lots of references to a U? refdes and only U17 and U18 are getting
> Vcc.
> FWIW, I've put 74381-1.sym 74382-1.sym in that same directory.

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