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Re: gEDA-user: hierarchy and refdes_renum
What is your end goal here? Just to have hierarchical schematics or do
be able to produce a hierarchical netlist? IMHO hierarchical
schematics in gschem work perfectly fine, it's netlisting them that as
of right now is very hackery/broken which is why I started a new
netlister spNet. You can download the latest version here
http://spnet.code-fusion.net but be warned the documentation is very
shotty/inaccurate since I haven't officially released it yet. Refer to
my last post on this list for more details.
On Sat, Jun 20, 2009 at 2:39 AM, Christoph Lechner<cl0023@xxxxxxx> wrote:
> Hash: SHA1
> Hi all,
> I'm just trying around with hierarchy. This is my first hierarchy
> design, and some questions remained open. I used the gTAG example as a
> starting point.
> What symbols do you use to 'declare' the pins in the subcircuit? I used
> the in-1.sym and out-1.sym, but using the refdes for the pin identifier
> looks like a hack to me. Is the used of these two symbols still state of
> the art or are there better ways to follow?
> So when renumbering the parts in the file, refdes_renum attaches a 1
> suffix to all the refdes attributes of the in-1 and out-1 symbols on the
> sheet, which is just a mess. Some Perl warnings pop up on the command
> line, BTW.
> What can I do to fix it?
> I run the outdated gEDA suite 1.4.0, but I md5-verified that in-1.sym,
> out-1.sym and refdes_renum are the same in the newest 1.4.3 release.
> CU
> - - Christoph
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