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Re: gEDA-user: OR components screwed on postscript output

Hi all,

> 	However the arcs going the wrong direction was fixed (dealt with
> mirroring and rotating an arc).  The fix is in CVS right now.
> Since people are bringing up known bugs, it's time for a new release.
> I'll get something out this weekend.

so I scratched everything and I am trying to get 20010304 to

One problem with libgdgeda/libgeda:

in the configure script, libgdgeda is tested before png and zlib, and thus
libgeda does not build on my system because to test for libgdgeda the test
has to link with -lpng.
It seems to me it would be more logical to test first for zlib, then png,
then gdgeda. Attached is a diff to libgeda/configure.in.

Also, it seems to me that in the various configure.in files, the line:
LDFLAGS="$LDEXTRA `$GTK_CONFIG --libs` -lgtk -lgdk -lglib $LDFLAGS -lm"
causes problems on systems (like FreeBSD) where the various libs may have
been renamed. After all, why use glib-config or gtk-config, and then
manually add -lgtk -lglib ? changing this to 
helps here. I think it is better to not hardcode lib names, but to either
provide a switch to override a defaulted variable.

It would be good to be able to specify additional path to search for libs
and include files, currently I just hardcoded them in the configure.in

Finally, there is a typo in gnetlist/configure.in relative to the glib
command-line option to configure. diff attached.

I hope my comments are useful and will allow to improve the build system
to make it more platform independent. I'll happily test any new version
and changes.

--- configure.in	Sun Mar  4 15:38:32 2001
+++ configure.in.bruno	Mon Mar  5 17:50:45 2001
@@ -1,6 +1,9 @@
 dnl Process this file with autoconf to produce a configure script.
+LIBS="$LIBS -L/home/bruno/geda/lib -L/usr/local/lib"
+CPPFLAGS="$CPPFLAGS -I/home/bruno/geda/include -I/usr/local/include"
 dnl Initialize automake stuff
@@ -210,32 +213,28 @@
          X_CFLAGS="$libgdgeda_cflags `$GTK_CONFIG --cflags`"
-AC_CHECK_LIB(gdgeda, gdImageColorAllocate, GDGEDA_LIB="-lgdgeda", GDGEDA_LIB=no, $GD_EXTRA)
-if test $GDGEDA_LIB = no; then
-        GDGEDA_LIB=""
+AC_CHECK_LIB(z, uncompress, Z_LIB="-lz", Z_LIB=no)
+if test $Z_LIB = no; then
+	AC_MSG_ERROR(Cannot find libz (zlib), be sure to install zlib; it is required for libgdgeda)
-        if test "$no_gdgeda" = "yes"; then
-                echo found libgdgeda, but disabling gdgeda
-                GDGEDA_LIB=""
-         	libgdgeda_ldflags=""
-         	libgdgeda_cflags=""
+	PNG_EXTRA="-lz -lm"
+	AC_CHECK_LIB(png, png_read_init, PNG_LIB="-lpng", PNG_LIB=no, $PNG_EXTRA)
+        if test $PNG_LIB = no; then
+        	AC_MSG_ERROR(Cannot find libpng, be sure to install png; it is required for libgdgeda)
-                AC_CHECK_LIB(z, uncompress, Z_LIB="-lz", Z_LIB=no)
-                if test $Z_LIB = no; then
-                        AC_MSG_ERROR(Cannot find libz (zlib), be sure to install zlib; it is required for libgdgeda)
+		GD_EXTRA="-lpng"
+		AC_CHECK_LIB(gdgeda, gdImageColorAllocate, GDGEDA_LIB="-lgdgeda", GDGEDA_LIB=no, $GD_EXTRA)
+		if test $GDGEDA_LIB = no; then
+	        	GDGEDA_LIB=""	
+	         	libgdgeda_ldflags=""
+        	 	libgdgeda_cflags=""
-		PNG_EXTRA="-lz -lm"
-                AC_CHECK_LIB(png, png_read_init, PNG_LIB="-lpng", PNG_LIB=no, $PNG_EXTRA)
-                if test $PNG_LIB = no; then
-                        AC_MSG_ERROR(Cannot find libpng, be sure to install png; it is required for libgdgeda)
-                fi
-        fi
+	fi
 if ! test "$CYGWIN"x = x; then
--- configure.in	Mon Mar  5 16:55:39 2001
+++ configure.in.bruno	Mon Mar  5 18:37:33 2001
@@ -34,7 +34,7 @@
 AC_ARG_WITH(gtk-config, [  --with-gtk-config=path  Change where gtk-config is located], [opt_gtkconfig=$withval])
 dnl Change default location of glib-config
-AC_ARG_WITH(glib-config, [  --with-glib-config=path  Change where glib-config is located], [opt_libconfig=$withval])
+AC_ARG_WITH(glib-config, [  --with-glib-config=path  Change where glib-config is located], [opt_glibconfig=$withval])
 dnl Change default location for rc files
 AC_ARG_WITH(rcdir, [  --with-rcdir=path       Change where the system-*rc files are installed], [opt_rcdir=$withval])