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gEDA-user: libguile.so.12 not found

[ Ales here, I'm reposting this since majordomo didn't recognize the
  e-mail as being subscribed to the geda-dev/geda-user mailinglist. ]

[ You can rebuild guile and when you run the ./configure command, specify:


  and you should be all set.  -Ales ]

-- Cut here --
From: "Sihulu" <sihulu@gmx.net>

I installed gEDA20040111 on my Debian System using alien to convert the rpm
packages. I also built and installed guile-1.6.4. So far everything worked.
But when I want to start gschem I get the error message "libguile.so.12 not
found". Apparently building libguile uses the directory /usr/local to install
libraries and executables. But gschem seems to expect the guile libraries
and executables to be in /usr. I do not want to just copy them there but rather
have it installed properly. How can I make guile use /usr instead of
/usr/local. Or how can I make the gEDA packages accept /usr/local in addition to

Any Linux specialist out there who can help me?

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