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Re: gEDA-user: How does slotting work???

On Wed, 23 Mar 2005 22:30:56 +0100
Christoph Lechner <cl0002@xxxxxxx> wrote:

> Hallo,
> I'm just trying to get slotting in gEDA work. I've
> placed a few LM339 "quarters" (a LM339 consists
> of four identical comperators, for those who don't know :-)
> on the sheet, connected them somehow.
> But how can I make him pack up to four of those
> comperators into one IC? At the moment the utilisation
> is quite bad as he (refdes_renum) numbers the comperators
> in the usual way: U1, U2, ...
> But I want something like: U1A, U1B, U1C, U1D, U2A, ...

Well... this is what refdes_renum can't do. It'll renum the refdes' again, if
you run it again.

However, I have writen a simple program, which will renumber only the "?"s.
I've posted it some time ago.


Feel free to use it!



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