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Re: gEDA-user: path information
Hi Thomas,
On Wednesday 21 March 2007 14:28, Thomas Arndt wrote:
> I've used the gschem version 20060824. Normally there was the
> complete schematic path displayed into the status line at the bottom
> of the window.
> Now (gschem 20070216) there is only the grid information there.
The filename has been moved to the window title (without path)
see the mailing list
gEDA-user: Wishes, bugs and misunderstandings, Kai-Martin Knaak
> What I've to do when i want to restore the 20060824 behavior?
Revert the changes made in those files:
2006-11-19 Werner Hoch <werner.ho@xxxxxx>
* src/i_basic.c, src/x_grid.c, src/x_window.c: moved the
filename from the status bar to the window title.
Show grid settings in the status bar.
Maybe it's ok for you to add the path in the title, the you only need to
change the function i_set_filename() in src/i_basic.c
The behaviour is not configurable (yet?).
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