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Re: gEDA-user: pcb doesn't find my pins

   On Fri, 2010-03-05 at 00:28 +0000, Kai-Martin Knaak wrote:

     > On Wed, 03 Mar 2010 20:40:54 +0000, Peter Clifton wrote:
     > > Perhaps the pin identifier U102-J1-1 is causing issues.
     > So this may be another incarnation of the hyphen-nastiness? Would
     it be
     > possible to fix this tendency to misinterpret hyphens in names
     once and
     > for all?

   So is this supposed to be element "U102-J1" 's pin "1", or is the
   element "U102" 's pin "J1-1".
   The point is that we chose to use "-" as a name/number separator. It is
   reasonable to choose a single reserved character for that purpose in a
   lightweight protocol like our netlist format. We could of course allow
   the escape that "--" becomes a literal hyphen in the string (which I
   don't think we've done). That won't solve the instant problem until
   both the netlister and netlist reader are changed to add that facility.
   Frankly I don't see it as much of a problem to just treat it as a
   reserved character and leave the code alone. But there are always
   people that want to put "/" in their filenames and name their variable
   "if" in C code.

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