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gEDA-user: PCB, check which refdes belongs to which footprint


if we have two footprint elements on a pcb board, one on the left, one
one the right, then we may move the refdes of the left element far to
the right, and the refdes of the right element far to the left -- not
intended, but by accident. So when populating the board we may exchange
the components.

If we click on an element with the mouse, then element and refdes are
highlighted, so we see which refdes belongs to which element. Or if we
move the refdes, we have a line showing to which refdes it belongs.
This is fine. But how can we check that no refdes are exchanged if the
layout is finished? I have to check this for my DSO  board with 1000
footprints. I really think all is fine, each refdes is near its
footprint. But I should be sure. My current solution would be to click
on each element to highlight its refdes. An optional visible line from
each refdes to the center of the element would make inspection easier. A
smart function may check the distance of the refdes to the center of the
element and give warnings if one refdes is very far away or if an refdes
of an other element is much closer.

Best regards

Stefan Salewski

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