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Re: gEDA-user: draw_binary_real??

cfk@pacbell.net said:
> Sorry if I gave the wrong impression. I dont mind looking for the
> assert if I had a clue or two. Perhaps there are a few pointers you
> could give me along those lines for tomorrows studies.

XXXX draw_binary_real(%)
ivl: eval_real.c:83: draw_binary_real: Assertion '0' failed.

Well first of all, look for uses of modulus (%) operators, and
look at those for cases where it is used in a real valued expression.

Or better yet, here's a test program that tickles the bug just fine.

module main;

   real rfoo;
   reg [5:0] x, y;

   initial begin
      rfoo = 1.0;
      x = 5;
      y = 2;

      rfoo = rfoo + x%y;
      $display("rfoo = %f", rfoo);

endmodule // main