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gEDA-user: PCB patch: polygon join

I got stuck while designing Ronja - I had a small polygon inside a big
one which was not joining a via and I needed to make it join via. The
easiest way I found how to accomplish this was using external program
gcc ;-) Then I could select the polygon and simply issue command

diff -pur pcb-20060422/doc/actions.texi pcb-20060422-patched/doc/actions.texi
--- pcb-20060422/doc/actions.texi	2006-04-21 03:54:32.000000000 +0200
+++ pcb-20060422-patched/doc/actions.texi	2006-05-15 08:52:01.000000000 +0200
@@ -95,7 +95,7 @@ Affects all objects which are both selec
 * ChangeDrillSize Action:: Changes the drilling hole size of objects.
 * ChangeFlag Action:: Sets or clears flags on objects.
 * ChangeHole Action:: Changes the hole flag of objects.
-* ChangeJoin Action:: Changes the join (clearance through polygons) of objects.
+* ChangeJoin Action:: Changes the join (clearance through polygons) of lines, arcs and polygons.
 * ChangeName Action:: Sets the name of objects.
 * ChangeOctagon Action:: Changes the octagon-flag of pins and vias.
 * ChangePinName Action:: Sets the name of a specific pin on a specific element.
@@ -367,7 +367,7 @@ plated-through hole (not set), or an unp
 ChangeJoin(ToggleObject|SelectedLines|SelectedArcs|Selected)@end format
 @end cartouche
-Changes the join (clearance through polygons) of objects.
+Changes the join (clearance through polygons) of lines, arcs and polygons.
 @c ./../src/action.c 3441
 The join flag determines whether a line or arc, drawn to intersect a
Only in pcb-20060422-patched/doc: Makefile
diff -pur pcb-20060422/doc/pcb.html pcb-20060422-patched/doc/pcb.html
--- pcb-20060422/doc/pcb.html	2006-04-22 21:17:22.000000000 +0200
+++ pcb-20060422-patched/doc/pcb.html	2006-05-15 08:52:32.000000000 +0200
@@ -6626,7 +6626,8 @@ Up:&nbsp;<a rel="up" accesskey="u" href=
 <li><a accesskey="7" href="#ChangeDrillSize%20Action">ChangeDrillSize Action</a>:  Changes the drilling hole size of objects. 
 <li><a accesskey="8" href="#ChangeFlag%20Action">ChangeFlag Action</a>:  Sets or clears flags on objects. 
 <li><a accesskey="9" href="#ChangeHole%20Action">ChangeHole Action</a>:  Changes the hole flag of objects. 
-<li><a href="#ChangeJoin%20Action">ChangeJoin Action</a>:  Changes the join (clearance through polygons) of objects. 
+<li><a href="#ChangeJoin%20Action">ChangeJoin Action</a>:  Changes the
+join (clearance through polygons) of lines, arcs and polygons. 
 <li><a href="#ChangeName%20Action">ChangeName Action</a>:  Sets the name of objects. 
 <li><a href="#ChangeOctagon%20Action">ChangeOctagon Action</a>:  Changes the octagon-flag of pins and vias. 
 <li><a href="#ChangePinName%20Action">ChangePinName Action</a>:  Sets the name of a specific pin on a specific element. 
diff -pur pcb-20060422/doc/pcb.info-1 pcb-20060422-patched/doc/pcb.info-1
--- pcb-20060422/doc/pcb.info-1	2006-04-22 21:17:21.000000000 +0200
+++ pcb-20060422-patched/doc/pcb.info-1	2006-05-15 08:51:55.000000000 +0200
@@ -5889,7 +5889,7 @@ Core actions
 * ChangeDrillSize Action:: Changes the drilling hole size of objects.
 * ChangeFlag Action:: Sets or clears flags on objects.
 * ChangeHole Action:: Changes the hole flag of objects.
-* ChangeJoin Action:: Changes the join (clearance through polygons) of objects.
+* ChangeJoin Action:: Changes the join (clearance through polygons) of lines, arcs and polygons.
 * ChangeName Action:: Sets the name of objects.
 * ChangeOctagon Action:: Changes the octagon-flag of pins and vias.
 * ChangePinName Action:: Sets the name of a specific pin on a specific element.
diff -pur pcb-20060422/src/action.c pcb-20060422-patched/src/action.c
--- pcb-20060422/src/action.c	2006-04-13 13:45:40.000000000 +0200
+++ pcb-20060422-patched/src/action.c	2006-05-15 08:53:02.000000000 +0200
@@ -3967,7 +3967,7 @@ static const char changejoin_syntax[] =
 static const char changejoin_help[] =
-"Changes the join (clearance through polygons) of objects.";
+"Changes the join (clearance through polygons) of lines, arcs and polygons.";
 /* %start-doc actions ChangeJoin
diff -pur pcb-20060422/src/change.c pcb-20060422-patched/src/change.c
--- pcb-20060422/src/change.c	2006-03-28 06:29:19.000000000 +0200
+++ pcb-20060422-patched/src/change.c	2006-05-15 08:43:47.000000000 +0200
@@ -215,7 +215,7 @@ static ObjectFunctionType ChangeSquareFu
 static ObjectFunctionType ChangeJoinFunctions = {
-  NULL,
+  ChangePolyClear,
diff -pur pcb-20060422/src/change.h pcb-20060422-patched/src/change.h
--- pcb-20060422/src/change.h	2006-03-23 00:17:20.000000000 +0100
+++ pcb-20060422-patched/src/change.h	2006-05-15 08:42:52.000000000 +0200
@@ -56,7 +56,7 @@
diff -pur pcb-20060422/src/hid/gtk/gui-command-window.c pcb-20060422-patched/src/hid/gtk/gui-command-window.c
--- pcb-20060422/src/hid/gtk/gui-command-window.c	2006-04-18 03:48:10.000000000 +0200
+++ pcb-20060422-patched/src/hid/gtk/gui-command-window.c	2006-05-15 08:53:21.000000000 +0200
@@ -102,7 +102,7 @@ static gchar *command_ref_text[] = {
   "\ttarget = {object | selectedlines | selectedarcs | selected}\n",
-  N_("\tChanges the join (clearance through polygons) of objects.\n"),
+  N_("\tChanges the join (clearance through polygons) of lines, arcs and polygons.\n"),