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gEDA-user: Help

I start using gschem part of geda 20050313 version on Xandros os. It constantly when you list expect close the gschem leaving me with the unsaved portion to be reentered again, I know that this is an older version, but this version is the only version available from Xandros network.
Is there any body that successfully installed and run a newer version on Xandros professional ver 4? And if yes can you supply me with the direction on how to install?
I try to install the latest iso file but it went thru several error that I eventually stop it all the errors were basically the same
The message were: ERROR WHILE INSTALLING with the choice of abort the installation or continue the log file was pointing out which program was installing at the time first was make utils_install, second make gsymcheck_install, third make gschem_install at this point I abort the installation.
I also try to install the debian version the one marked stable using the help of xandros network it did not install.
Thank you in advanced

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