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Re: gEDA-user: pine size

On Tue, 2008-05-06 at 11:05 +0100, Patrick Dupre wrote:
> Hello,
> How can I change the pine size with pcb ?

The diameter of a through hole component or via's drill size?

Two ways:

Mouse over it, then:

	Alt+S	    (Hole bigger)
	Alt+Shift+S (Hole smaller)
	S           (Pad bigger)
	Shift + S   (Pad smaller)

Or, if you have lots to do at once, select them, then:

"Window" Menu -> "Command Entry" (The keyboard shortcut for this window
is just ":"

Then type in the command window, something like:

changedrillsize(selectedpins, 90, mil)
changedrillsize(selectedpins, 1, mm)
changedrillsize(selectedvias, 1, mil)

Full syntax:

changedrillsize(target, size, units)
	target = {selectedpins | selectedvias | selectedobjects | selected}

For changing the pad size:

changesize(target, size, units)
	target = {selectedlines | selectedpins | selectedvias | selectedpads 
	        | selectedtexts | selectednames |selectedelements | selected}

You might also be interested in:

changeclearsize(target, size, units)
	target = {selectedpins | selectedpads | selectedvias | selectedlines
		| selectedarcs | selectedobjects | selected}
	Changes the clearance of objects.

If you set "File" menu -> "Preferences" -> Enables: "Use separate window for command entry",
there will be a drop down box with some syntax hints like these. If the option is un-ticked,
command entry will appear in the status bar underneath the schematic.

> If I cannot change from pcb, do I need to change the footprint ?

You could do it that way, assuming you wanted to place it multiple
times. For footprints you generate yourself, this is a good idea.

> If yes Do I have to edit the .fp file ?

Yes, or you could open the .fp file in PCB. You'll need to cut the
element into the buffer, then use "Buffer" menu -> "Save buffer elements
to file".

> If yes, can I get more information ?

It depends on your distribution and exactly how you installed PCB, but
there is a .pdf with some documentation, perhaps
in /usr/share/pcb, /usr/share/doc/pcb, /usr/share/doc/pcb-common

> Then, do I need to generate a png file ? if yes how ?

You can generate a png, but its probably not what you want for
production (sending to a fabricator).

"File" menu -> "Export layout..."

Then choose what you want:

"ps" for postscript (printing of the layers which you could turn into
a .pdf (with "ps2pdf"), for use in documentation, a UV exposure or
toner transfer process.

"gerber" for sending to a board fabricator

"png" for a graphics export for embedding in a document (for example).

Hope that helps,

(PS. Nice to see another UK gEDA user join our ranks).

Best wishes,

Peter Clifton

Electrical Engineering Division,
Engineering Department,
University of Cambridge,
9, JJ Thomson Avenue,

Tel: +44 (0)7729 980173 - (No signal in the lab!)

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