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Re: gEDA-user: [OFF] high current amplifier

On Saturday 23 May 2009, Joerg wrote:
>Gene Heskett wrote:
>> On Friday 22 May 2009, Joerg wrote:
>>> John Doty wrote:
>>>> On May 21, 2009, at 6:00 PM, Joerg wrote:
>>>>> Chris Albertson wrote:
>>>>> [...]
>>>>>> I'm thinking about tube amps that had an output impedance of about 1M
>>>>>> ohm that used transformers to drive 8 ohm speakers.  About a 100,000
>>>>>> to 1 ratio.
>>>>> 1M? What kind of tube was that?
>>>> Well, that's a typical plate resistance for a small signal pentode, but
>>>> Power pentodes have lower plate resistance.
>>> Small signal, yes. But a 12AX7 won't be enough for a rock concert ;-)
>> And its not even a pentode, its a dual triode, designed for phono preamps
>> and such.
>Sorry, I meant something like the 6AU6.

Which fits the general thread idea a lot better.  To me, a 6AU6 is a newer 
tube.  6SJ/K7's are middle aged, and the 4X's were popular for small signal & 
2A3's for audio output's about the time I was born.  And all are 
transconductance pikers compared to a 7788. :)  And my spell checker does not  
even recognize the word!

Cheers, Gene
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