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Re: gEDA-user: "Inherited" attributes view in gschem
On Sun, 2009-05-31 at 10:35 -0600, John Doty wrote:
> On May 31, 2009, at 8:23 AM, Peter Clifton wrote:
> > Hi guys,
> >
> This is a good idea, and should be in the next gschem.
The code is already in git (albeit not the code to mask view of the
overridden attributes within the symbol)
> It does, however, have a downside: it will tend to lead the designer
> even more easily into the trap of attaching attributes to library
> symbols in lieu of creating editing project symbols. It's the easy
> way to start, but when your project grows big, it's a disaster. This
> redesign really needs to include the "make project symbol" button.
> You wouldn't spread 100 copies of the same structure declaration
> around a big C application: it would be a maintenance nightmare. So
> why should spreading 100 copies of the same attribute set around a
> big design be the only easy, transparent way to define components in
> gschem?
> >
> >
> > For now, _all_ attributes inside the symbol are shown, including those
> > which are overridden by attached attributes. I have some patches which
> > form an aggregate list - where certain inherited attributes are
> > discarded from the list if they are overridden, however the correct
> > behaviour isn't entirely obvious.
> >
> > Since gEDA allows (and uses) multiple attributes with the same name
> > (net=, source=, slotdef= are some examples which spring to mind), it
> > isn't obvious what the rules for overriding or combining these
> > attributes should be.
> Classify each attribute as "singular" or "plural". Make a rule that
> "plural" attributes may not be promoted or attached to an instance.
Unfortunately, net= is plural, and it is required to allow overriding
that for power symbols etc. There are existing designs out there
(including my own) which will re-assign a power net by attaching one
"net=5V:14", to a symbol which already has "net=GND:7" and "net=VCC:14".
> For the future, maybe we should have a multiline form for attributes.
> A singular version of source= might look like:
> source=
> foo.sch
> bar.sch
Actually, "source=filename1.sch,filename2.sch,filename3.sch" is already
supported (by some of gEDA). Unfortunately the code to interpret this
attribute is repeated in various places, and each handles it slightly
> Then an attached singular source= attribute could override all
> source= attributes in the symbol.
> net= is a funny case, because it's really singular, one per pinseq.
Isn't it keyed off pinnumber, not pinseq? I was thinking this too, but
the following is also legal:
If you overrode with:
Then the first attribute is still important (for pins 5 and 6). In these
cases, it is the search order which defines the mapping used.
As far as I could tell, the search order favours the first net=
attribute it finds in the attached attributes, or the LAST net=
attribute from the symbol.
Since people probably don't deliberately add clashing net= attributes, I
suspect the only thing we need to preserve is the preference for
attached attributes.
Given the above case, it became painfully clear that you can't easily
make a merged set of attributes based on including / not including those
from within the symbol.
You would have to leave all net= attributes intact, and ensure the
sort-order of the merged list still favours the priorities required.
Any checking routines to warn about clashing net= attributes would still
have to employ intelligence as to where the attributes came from to
allow attached / inherited overrides for a given pinnumber, but warn
about a clash where the errant attributes both came from the same place.
Peter Clifton
Electrical Engineering Division,
Engineering Department,
University of Cambridge,
9, JJ Thomson Avenue,
Tel: +44 (0)7729 980173 - (No signal in the lab!)
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