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Re: gEDA-user: Database on symbols, footprints and other (was "Re: gattrib")

> Too large ever to assemble.

Right. Your suggestion is that EVERY SINGLE PERSON should build a full
separate heavy symbol library for EVERY SINGLE PROJECT, and yet a single
community-built database is too large of a concept to even consider.

> That shows a complete misunderstanding of the nature of the problem.

> But don't pollute the toolkit with functions that [...]

> You don't understand that [...]

> Perhaps to those of us with EDA experience [...]

To everyone else-- including those with EDA experince --having a set of
symbols to start with and customize is a known and effective solution.

Your insults don't change the fact that something that adds great value to
90% of users without removing functionality is a net gain. But we know
you're not interested in solutions.  Obviously.  Because nobody but you
understands the problems.  We're all too stupid to understand and believe
in your one true completely-adaptable-to-everything workflow as the
solution to everything.

You've made it perfectly clear time and again that you're opposed to new
features just on the basis that (to paraphrase), "features are bad." 
Fine-- you're absolutely welcome to your opinion.  Here's my opinion: you
should recompile your gEDA programs with all of code commented out.  As
the limit of features goes to zero, you can finally have your perfect EDA
suite-- perfectly scriptable and 100% flexible.  The perfect toolkit.

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