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Re: gEDA-user: graphic conversion of spice netlists

> Hi!
>   I've got a spice SUBCKT:
> .SUBCKT AD8099 INp INm Vcc Vee Vout Comp FB
> Rinm 13 INp 1k
> Cinm INm 13 2p
> Ib vcc 15 DC=4m
> .... lots of components and nodes ...
> I'd be interested to "see" the SUBCKT in a graphical way... i.e. to
> convert the spice text description in a "usual" schematic (with
> the graphical symbols for resistors, capacitors, diodes, etc)...
> is there a tool (in gEDA or somewhere else) which does it automatically?
> or should I write the schematic by hand?
> Thanks!
> Francesco
I think that this will require significant amount of artificial intelligence to get readable shematic if the circuit is not trivial. 
As an exercise, you can try to extract the schematic from an old PCB (with components soldered)

Wojciech Kazubski

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