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gEDA-user: Transparency of copies in GNU FDL for electric schemata
Hello GNU,
I am not sure if something is considered a transparent copy or not in
context with GNU FDL.
Let's say I have an electric schematic diagram created in gschem (a GPL'd
schematic editor) and is placed under GNU FDL. Someone redraws it into say
Orcad (a proprietary schematic drawing program) and provides PNG snapshots
of the schematics.
Is this considered a transparent copy or not? FDL says that
"Examples of transparent image formats include PNG"
but also "A copy made in an otherwise Transparent file format whose markup, or
absence of markup, has been arranged to thwart or discourage subsequent
modification by readers is not Transparent."
Displaying a schematic this way of course poses only very limited way to
edit it (editing a schematic in GIMP is very annoying and you lose all the
functionality for example in a possibility of generating a partlist that was
present in the original gschem schematic previously).