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Re: gEDA-user: Remove pieces of track that don't lead anywhere

DJ Delorie wrote:
Could you send me a sample board with this effect on it?  I think
I intentionally leave such tracks alone (who knows what the user
was thinking), but the optimizer was built without the "autoroute"
flag in

Do you mean RF resonators etc.?

I don't know what I mean.  If I knew, I'd know what to do with them

But yeah, RF-sensitive circuits, company logos, test patterns, test
points, those sorts of things.

I don't use PCB, but there are a couple of good reasons to eliminate unwanted stubs:

1) they'll cause signal reflections, and so affect timing

2) if you're ever going to use the autorouter for IC layout, then stubs/antennas are bad news. You can get charge build-up on the wire during fabrication, which can potentially destroy transistors. These would have to be marked as violations and fixed.
