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Re: gEDA-user: Newbie -- installation issues

OK, then it looks like you installed the GTK libs over and on top of
the libs which Sarge already had.   Is this true?  If this is the
case, then gEDA compiled expecting to see one library, but finds a
different library at run time.

Do this:

[sdb@Fermat lib]$ cd /usr/lib
[sdb@Fermat lib]$ ls -lrt | grep libgtk

This will print out the versions of gtk you have in this directory.

[sdb@Fermat lib]$ cd /usr/local/lib
[sdb@Fermat lib]$ ls -lrt | grep libgtk

This will print out the versions of gtk you have in this directory.

If you have two slightly different versions of libgtk -- one of which
you installed last night -- then delete the new one.  Also delete the
gEDA stuff you installed.  Then try again installing gEDA again.

THe basic idea is that you want one, unambiguous version of GTK to
both compile/link against, as well as to run against.


> I installed off of the CD.  When I first tried installing I was told 
> that I needed some other programs installed (such as GTK+2.2.x) so I 
> spent a lot of time making sure those programs were installed.  Hope 
> this helps!
> Stuart Brorson wrote:
> >First off, how did you install gEDA?  Via apt-get, the CD ROM
> >installer, source tarballs, or what?  It's impossible to know what is
> >wrong without this type of info.
> >
> >It is possible that you installed binaries which expect to see a
> >particular version of the shared libs, and your lib version is
> >different.  If this is the case, you are better off grabbing the
> >install CD and using it to build gEDA from source.  (It basically does
> >it for you.) The of building from source is that the configure step
> >takes care of all the library issues for you.
> >
> >Another possibility is that you have an older
> >installation of gEDA on your machine.  You need to go in and wipe away
> >all traces of the older gEDA stuff, including any trace of libgeda,
> >and any old gEDA programs, including older gspiceui executables.
> >
> >Stuart
> >
> >
> >
> >
> >  
> >
> >>Hi -
> >>
> >>I tried installing gEDA on my machine (Debian Sarge) last night and when 
> >>I tried using it this morning I had several problems before I could even 
> >>do anything:
> >>
> >>I tried opening gspiceui and got the following error message:
> >>
> >>    Fatal Error: Mismatch between the program and library build versions
> >>    detected.  The library used 2.6 (no debug,Unicode,compiler with C++
> >>    ABI 1002,wx containers,compatible with 2.4), and your program used
> >>    2.6 (no debug,Unicode,compiler with C++ ABI 102,wx
> >>    containers,compatible with 2.4).
> >>    Aborted
> >>
> >>
> >>The only difference I see is ABI 1002 vs. ABI 102, but I have no idea 
> >>what that means and what I need to do to fix it. 
> >>
> >>Any suggestions?  I have many more where this came from but figure let's 
> >>attack this one at a time.  Please bear in mind that I am "halfway good" 
> >>at Linux - meaning that I know just enough to cause a lot of problems.  
> >>I may not know how to do what is suggested to me.  Thanks!
> >>
> >>-Ron Crummett
> >>
> >>    
> >>
> >
> >  
> >