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Re: gEDA-user: Starting schematic

Hi Karel,
I don't like that behaviour, but you are able to do it if you want.

The new titleblock is added when a new page is created (and the new page
hook is run). If you look at the system-gschemrc file:

; Automatically place a titleblock (or other components) when creating
; a new page.
; Comment in these lines if you want gschem to automatically place a
; when you create a new _empty_ page.
; Users can customize the default titleblock by adding the following
; (without the semi-colons at the beginning) to the gschemrc file:
;; (define default-titleblock "title-A4.sym")
;; Change "title-A4.sym" by the name of your prefered titleblock!
(define default-titleblock "title-B.sym")
(add-hook! new-page-hook (lambda (page)
   (if (null? (get-objects-in-page page))
;      Syntax             Symbol name        X   Y    angle selectable
       (add-component-at-xy page default-titleblock 40000 40000   0
#f       #f)))
Just add more add-component-at-xy calls with the symbols you want.



El vie, 24-11-2006 a las 09:05 +0100, Karel Kulhavy escribiÃ:
> I suggest that a starting schematic containing diodes, transistors, resistors,
> capacitors, logical gates etc. (the parts that are used the most often) be
> created and be used instead of untitled.sch or could be invoked from the menu.
> It's faster to copy and delete than to find everything in the menu.
> CL<
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