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gEDA-user: time to contribute...
Now, that my local library of symbols and footprints has been tested in
the sense that it produced working boards, its time to contribute. The
contribution site gedasymbols.org advises to ask for a CVS password. Can
I have one, please?
My symbols and footprints include:
* Opamp and comparator syms with power supply in a distinct symbol
* titleblocks with date, title, page and version attributes
* resistor and cap footprints with text deliberately on the pads
* a range of non plated holes
* an enclosing sym and some footprints for it (Hammond die cast)
* footprints for my favorite connectors (XLR3, BNC, SubD9)
* sym and footprint for laser diodes
* SMD jumper
* syms and footprints for some special devices (alps potentionmeter,
crystek oszillator, Axicon relay, Hittite phase detector)
* variations on TO220 footprints
All syms are rich ones. That is, they contain an appropriate footprint
Kai-Martin Knaak
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