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Re: gEDA-user: PCB GIT: tracking inter-file moves

On 2009-11-16 at 10:32 AM Peter Clifton <pcjc2@xxxxxxxxx> wrote:
>On Mon, 2009-11-16 at 09:23 +0000, Ineiev wrote:
>> Is there any means to automate such tracking?
> Ah.. sorry - I didn't mean to break your patches!

Never mind; it is essentially unavoidable thing.

> I use "stgit", which allows me to push and pop patches. You can "stg
> init" and "stg uncommit" from a branch which is not already an stgit
> branch.

Once I tried it and decided not to use it; I didn't see essential
gains and another level of complexity just confused me; I didn't understand
GIT then, and I didn't like that using some git commands pushed stgit
in a state which I could not repair.

> Pop all the patches
> Keep repeating this for all the patches in the stack then "stg delete
> temp-revert-gtkhid-main-changes"

Thank you, I think I understand the general technique.

I read git-rebase man page and noticed --merge option and thought
it might make the process somewhat easier. I'll certainly try
it next time; have you any experience with it?

> Since I caused it.. if you have difficulties, remind me where to fetch
> your branch from (as it was), and I'll have a go at fixing it tonight or
> tomorrow some time.

I've rebased it already; however, I as usual shall be very grateful
if you checkout it and tell me what is bad in that branch.
(it is in Gitorious,
 git clone git://gitorious.org/~ineiev/pcb/clon_ineieva.git
 should work).


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