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Re: gEDA-user: PCB is extremely slow

On Friday 07 October 2005 13:30, Karel Kulhavy wrote:
> I am editing Ronja Twister
> http://ronja.twibright.com/schematics/twister.pcb
> And it sometimes takes 30 seconds to redraw (during which PCB doesn't
> react). My machine has 1500MHz CPU and 0.5GB of RAM and nothing
> CPU intensive is running there besides.
> Do you have also this problem? Is it possible to optimize PCB somehow
> to not grind down this way? I can't imagine making a 8-layer motherboard
> in this, it would take like 1 year to redraw...


Have you taken a look at the output of top (Or some other monitoring program) 
during the redraw?

Something is causing a major performance hit on your system and its not PCB - 
I loaded the twister file on an Athlon XP2000+, 512MB RAM, Nvidia TNT with 
64MB RAM in under 2 seconds (Maybe quicker 
than this. I really didn't time it).

