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Re: gEDA-user: Flex Circuits?

On Saturday 15 October 2005 02:47 am, Karel Kulhavy wrote:

> > The application is a self contained 'Lifter':
> >
> > http://jnaudin.free.fr/lifters/perf.htm
> So this is how the UFO works?

Probably not.  I'm more a proponent of O.T.Carr myself.

Thomas Townsend Brown did a lot of research in the area of Electro Gravity.

Also look at:  http://www.rexresearch.com/

Because of my site  http://www.unusualresearch.com/ I get asked to design
odd things from time to time.  Building the Lifter is someone else project, 
and I thought it sounded like a challenging thing to do a power supply for 
it, as no one, anyplace, has yet to figure how  to do an on board supply,
for a Lifter.

>Airwire - weight of the board is zero. Take SMD components and solder
>them together using airwire construction like this:
> http://images.twibright.com/tns/f73.html

I'm lucky enough that I can pick up the SMD parts to get them on a PCB, I lack 
the dexterity to do  fine microsurgery that air wiring requires.  It is also 
not reproducible easily.