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Re: gEDA-user: gEDA DLL hell
On 10/28/05, Karel Kulhavy <clock@xxxxxxxxxxxxx> wrote:
> On Fri, Oct 28, 2005 at 01:44:16PM +0200, Henrik Karlsson wrote:
> > Karel Kulhavy skrev:
> > > But what should user do when he has an old version of gEDA and needs
> > > a new one? Erase the disk and reinstall the operating system completely?
> >
> > How about 'yum update' or 'apt-get update; apt-get upgrade'? Or use some
> > other package mangement system.
> clock@kestrel:~$ yum update
> bash: yum: command not found
> clock@kestrel:~$ apt-get update
> bash: apt-get: command not found
> clock@kestrel:~$ apt-get upgrade
> bash: apt-get: command not found
> Friend has Ubuntu and there are no gEDA packages.
your friend may want to enable the "universe" component first:
> These suggestions are irrelevant. The message is: reinstallation
> procedure doesn't exist and has to be written. Please understand
> the message and fix the problem.
If I may make an observation: you sound like a customer with an
unlimited support contract when you say that the procedure "has to be
When people ask for help with the Fink gEDA packages, their requests
are generally queued up until the end of the workday, or longer if I'm
really busy. Often, the polite and not-so-demanding requests are
pushed to the head of the queue, even if they take longer in the end.
Demanding support all the time will make people more inclined to email
back short suggestions, rather than going off and implementing some
grand solution to a problem.
And sometimes it pays to look at things from a different viewpoint.
You have Ubuntu? Save yourself some time and use the pre-built
packages, at least long enough to figure out that you need something
that can only be provided by a newer version.
- Charles Lepple