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Re: gEDA-user: coil-1.sym vs. inductor-1.sym

Hi Karel,

On Monday 31 October 2005 09:04, Karel Kulhavy wrote:
> What's the point of having coil-1.sym and inductor-1.sym in gschem?
> I suppose there is some deep profound difference between coil and
> inductor that permanently escapes my imagination.

In germany we have two expressions too. For me the inductor refers to 
inductivity while the coil refers the "physical" representation of the 
inductivity, the wrapped coil.

> And moreover, what's the point of coil-1.sym not being accepted by
> gnetlist -g spice-sdb and inductor-1.sym being accepted?

the device INDUCTOR is catched by the spice-sdb backend while the device 
COIL is not.

from gnet-spice-sdb.scm:
          ( (string=? device "INDUCTOR")
              (spice-sdb:write-inductor package port))     

Maybe you just have to extend that section that catches devices, mapping 
the coil to the inductor.
untested code snippet:
          ( (string=? device "COIL")
              (spice-sdb:write-inductor package port))     
