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Re: gEDA-user: default layer names used by gschem2pcb

On Sat, 06 Oct 2007 19:53:04 +0100, Peter Clifton wrote:

> /usr/local/share/gEDA/scheme/gnet-gsch2pcb.scm

Ok, I changed the layer definition in gnet-gsch2pcb.scm to 

((define gsch2pcb:write-bottom-footer
  (lambda (port)
    (display "Layer(1 \"bottom\")\n(\n)\n" port)
    (display "Layer(2 \"bott.-poly.\")\n(\n)\n" port)
    (display "Layer(3 \"bott.-GND\")\n(\n)\n" port)
    (display "Layer(4 \"top\")\n(\n)\n" port)
    (display "Layer(5 \"top.-poly\")\n(\n)\n" port)
    (display "Layer(6 \"top.-GND\")\n(\n)\n" port)
    (display "Layer(7 \"unused\")\n(\n)\n" port)
    (display "Layer(8 \"lineout\")\n(\n)" port)
    (newline port)))

This works for the first six layers. However, Layer 7 and Layer 8 are 
missing in the GUI. They did not show up in the original set-up either.
It was possible to get eight layers with gsch2pcb if I increased the list 
to 10 layers:

    (display "Layer(1 \"bottom\")\n(\n)\n" port)
    (display "Layer(2 \"bott.-poly.\")\n(\n)\n" port)
    (display "Layer(3 \"bott.-GND\")\n(\n)\n" port)
    (display "Layer(4 \"top\")\n(\n)\n" port)
    (display "Layer(5 \"top.-poly\")\n(\n)\n" port)
    (display "Layer(6 \"top.-GND\")\n(\n)\n" port)
    (display "Layer(7 \"unused\")\n(\n)\n" port)
    (display "Layer(8 \"lineout\")\n(\n)" port)
    (display "Layer(9 \"ignored\")\n(\n)\n" port)
    (display "Layer(10 \"ignored\")\n(\n)" port)

The last two layers seem to be necessary, but don`t show up in the GUI. 
Are these the two possible silk layers? (By the way: How do I get a 
bottom silk layer?)

Kai-Martin Knaak

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