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gEDA-user: PCB to IGES converstion?
Hi all
Another question for the group.
Is anyone working on a tool or know how to import a pcb layout to an
IGES file?
I just did my second design with PCB. Works great! Kudos to you all!
unfortunately for me, when we assembled the prototype, one of the
components had a mechanical interference with the case. Grrr. With the
new artwork we'd like to be able to import an IGES image of it into
Solid Edge (a mechanical cad tool). Before I start down the path of
writing my own tool, I want to be sure no one else has already started
down this path.
The minimum that I need it to do is:
Parse the file for elements
Look-up height information for elements from a separate file
Convert the element description to the IGES format with the new height
Optionally take an outline layer and convert it to a board outline
Somehow provide board thickness info
So how about it. Anyone have this tool half built?
Thanks in advance
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