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Re: gEDA-user: Eliminate separate Vcc planes?

On Mon, Oct 19, 2009 at 08:35:33AM -0400, Bob Paddock wrote:
> To me running Vcc traces all over the board is the surest way to raise
> inductance etc., and seems wrong to me.

Plus in high current, low voltage designs (like FPGA core power) the tiny
series resistance of even a plane can be a problem.  I remember a design
with a big honking FPGA and a POLA that was a few inches away due to board
constraints.  Someone in a meeting mentioned that the 20A 1.2V was sagging
50mV at the FPGA.  Do the math and that's only 2.5mOhm drop but still
meant the *plane* was dissipating a *watt*.

Ben Jackson AD7GD

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