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Re: gEDA-user: newbie help: gschem to pcb


Try the following steps.

pcb pcb.pcb

from pcb menu

File->Load Netlist File    select pcb.netl

Window->Library see the new dialog window pop open. click on the
triangle just to the left of new lib.

select Generic SMD Packages on left hand frame select 805 reflow solder

drag curser over pcb main window and click once

keep your cursor over the light blue outline on the main pcb window and
hit the "z" key a few times to zoom in

hit the F11 key to make sure your cursor is an arrow (in selection mode)
click on the light blue object again and the hit in order the keys E
then N.

A dialog window will pop open. Change the Name to R1.

Do this a few more times (window->library etc) to get your R2, R3, R4 in
place. this is the long hand method you can actually just keep dropping
landpatterns in place once you have selected one from a library and they
should auto renumber.

once you have your resistors droped on the board hit the o key,
"optimize netlist" ... opps we forget all the rest of the landpatterns
you need. Go search the libraries to find them.

Have fun play with pcb for a while look at all the menues. learn to
select layers  hit the tab key to flip the board over etc.

Best Wishes,

Steve Meier

On Wed, 2005-09-14 at 19:44 +0100, Richard Urwin wrote:
> I have a schematic, but I cannot create a pcb layout from it; the layout 
> appears to be blank and the netlist has strange undefined components in 
> it. - "U? ?"
> I have added refdes attributes for all power symbols in an attempt to 
> clear the error messages from gnetlist. If I take them all off I get a 
> PCB file with only C8 in it, but three added errors "Could not find 
> redes on component and could not find any special attributes!"
> I have gnetlist and gschem 20050820, and pcb 20050609
> What am I doing wrong? TIA.
> enc: pcb.sch, pcb.pcb, pcb.netl, pcb.netl.stdout, pcb.netl.stderr