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Re: gEDA-user: Gerbv-2.0.1 for Windows released, but not working!

At 04:02 PM 9/1/2008, Stuart Brorson wrote:
> A while back I looked at Gerbv as a possible tool for verifying XYRS
> files.  At the time I found that the windows version of this program
> did not work well enough to actually be useful.  I posted about this
> in the geda mailing list and someone there tried helping a bit, but I
> don't recall ever getting a version that worked.
> Is there a working version of Gerbv 2.0x for Windows?

Right now there is not a "working" version.

However, we are within days of releasing gerbv-2.1.0 for Linux.  I
assume that we will spin a Windows version shortly after that.

IIRC, your usability issue had to do with very slow rendering,
correct?  If that's the case, here are some notes:

No, I saw that as an issue, but the real problem was that it would crash with my data file.  I don't recall who was helping me with it, but I had sent him my data and he reproduced the problem, IIRC.  I think this was discussed in this mailing list somewhere around February of this year.

*  I believe the guy doing the Windows binary is compiling against
Cairo-1.6 this time, so your problems might be solved by this newer
version of Cairo.

*  For some people gerbv runs just fine under Windows.  For others, it
is as slow as molassas on a winter day in Vermont.  This may have to
do with driver and/or chipset issues.  We would be interested in
hearing about your video chipset if you were indeed experiencing slow

I am not using a fast machine my any measure.  It is an old Athlon 1600+ with video embedded in the chip set.  But I really can't think that the technology isn't good enough even with a 6 year old machine.  I assume you are referring to issues with specific video chips and drivers.  The motherboard is an M7VKQ, I want to say it was made by Biomation. 

I should have another machine up in a week or two.  This will be something a bit newer, or at least a bit more capable. 

I appreciate the efforts.  It's just too bad that there aren't more people using the Windows version of this software so that it would be more tested.  I have an XYRS file from a layout that I want to verify and I can't find any other software that will do this.  I'm pretty amazed that people routinely generate XYRS files and don't check them.  But I guess once you have your process working with your board fab's process, you don't need to verify the files any more.  But then we still verify the Gerber files, don't we...


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