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gEDA-user: PCB: Save Buffer to File


I was looking for a way to save the buffer contents into a layout
file, to make copies with changed refdes and then pasted those into
the original design. "Save buffer elements to file" actually saves all
Elements, Vias and Planes from the Buffer, but the resulting file
cannot be read via "Load layout data to paste-buffer".

I did the job by copying the layout to a different file, delete
everything else from the file, then made multiple copies with changed
refdes and loading those into the original layout.

Either I missed something, or this leads to:

Feature request: "Save buffer to layout file"

Feature request: Hierarchical layout :-)

Cheers, Stephan

This is PCB, an interactive
printed circuit board editor
version 1.99x

Compiled on Sep  3 2008 at 10:09:47

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