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Re: gEDA-user: gsch2pcb deleting almost all elements


after some debugging I found the error: One of my m4 fooprints ended on
the following line:

  ElementLine [-7186 7283 7186 7283 800])

Note that the paren ')' terminating the element does not come on its own

Now the parser in 'add_elements' overlooks the trailing paren, since the
line was already processed via pcb_element_line_parse().

Since it is in 'skipping' mode, it will then consume all of the rest of
the file, looking for another matching paren ')'.

On the other hand, if the board.pcb file didn't initially exist,
add_elements() will still fail to parse all elements, but these will
later be added via prune_elements() if I understand correctly.  Since
prune_elements() doesn't depend on the skipping mode when no initial
board.pcb file was present, the bad paren doesn't pose a problem.

So whose error is it now? :) Actually to be really safe, gsch2pcb would
have to use the same file parser as 'pcb'.  Currently, even comment
lines with '#' containtaining non-balanced parens will pose a problem to

I corrected my footprint and for now gsch2pcb seems to work ok (still
dind't check the result in details, though).


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