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gEDA-user: More trouble with gsch2pcb...
I was just remembered of another somewhat annoying problem with gsch2pcb
and/or pcb:
I have a number of named nets, that use backslashes in the name, such as
"\_RESET\_", wich makes gschem display these names nicely with a bar
above the text.
Running these files through gsch2pcb creates netlist entries, that
contain these names literally copied.
If I load such a netlist into PCB, it doesn't complain. But on saving
and re-opening my layout, it reports a syntax error for a line:
Net("\_RESET\_" "(unknown)")
Now I already got used to filtering all my .net and .cmd files created
by gsch2pcb via some regexps to remove all backslashes, but there must
exist a saner solution to the problem :)
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