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Re: gEDA-user: Driving the netlist from PCB (instead of gschem)

> I don't think you understood my question.

I answered as best I could, given the question and its context.
Updating the schematic does not cause the pcb layout to be
automatically fixed.

> The answer is that it is fixed by the user manually fixing it.

Yes, that's always the case.

> I don't think the "direction" of the changes is especially
> important.

I do.  I've gotten the two out of sync before, by fiddling with a
layout without going back to the schematic, or by hacking the hardware
directly during assembly.  It really sucks for the second board, when
you have to remember all those hacks again.  Now I update the
schematic first, before any other changes.

> If you have to go into the schematic before you can think 
> about a change,

I don't.  I think about the change during layout, decide what I'm
going to do, then change the schematic to reflect that.

> Maybe I don't know what is involved in "fixing" a short,

Deleting the trace that doesn't belong.

> As long as it is clear what needs to be ripped up, then that works.

Well, pcb tells you which nets are shorted and tries to highlight the
relevent pins/pads, but how "clear" that is depends on your layout ;-)

> >The "internal format" is going to be a binary data structure that's
> >machine dependent.  We can't just "store" that on disk.
> By "internal" I am referring to the file used by the layout 
> program.

We're not using words the same way, then.

Internal = structure and data inside the running program.
Native = preferred file format for such structure and data
Import/Export = any other file format

> I found the hard way that there are no standards (currently) for the
> XYRS centroid data file among others.

If there are no standards, there's not much point about us talking
about following a standard for it, then, is there?

> Yes, that is what I am referring to.  It makes sense to use a file 
> format that is not so unique to each individual layout program.  But 
> so far everyone seems to have made their own.  

Like I said, that's because of how each project has evolved.  PCB is
almost twenty years old, so it's file format is based on twenty year
old ideas.

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