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gEDA-user: (hierarchy-uref-mangle "disabled") doesn't seem to work when generting a bom
Hello group
I am doing my first hierarchial design. In my local gnetlistrc I have
(hierarchy-uref-mangle "disabled") un-commented as I don't want the Sn_
in the front of the uref.
gsch2pcb does what I desire and correctly drops the "Sn_" prefix.
When generating a bom. The prefix is not dropped which is NOT what I
If I change from
(hierarchy-uref-order "append")
(hierarchy-uref-order "prepend")
The Sn_ value is placed at the end, so gnetlistrc seem to be picked up,
but I'm not sure where as I don't see it in the .scm that I'm using.
My command line syntax is
gnetlist -g xmlbom circuit.sch -o circuit-bom.xml
I tried the nomunge option, but it didn't seem to have any effect.
gnetlist --nomunge -g xmlbom circuit.sch -o circuit-bom.xml
Yes, I am using a scheme that I hacked from gnet-bom(2?).scm (see
attached). So I'm probably at fault, but I don't know where.
Could anyone give me some pointers as to what I'm doing wrong?
Thanks in advance
;;; gEDA - GPL Electronic Design Automation
;;; gnetlist - gEDA Netlist
;;; Copyright (C) 1998-2007 Ales Hvezda
;;; Copyright (C) 1998-2007 gEDA Contributors (see ChangeLog for details)
;;; This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
;;; it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
;;; the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or
;;; (at your option) any later version.
;;; This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
;;; but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
;;; GNU General Public License for more details.
;;; You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
;;; along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
;;; Foundation, Inc., 675 Mass Ave, Cambridge, MA 02139, USA.
;; --------------------------------------------------------------------------
;; Bill of Material backend written by Matt Ettus starts here
;;; Bill Of Materials Generator
;;; You must have a file called attribs in the pwd
;;; The file should be a text list of attributes you want listed,
;;; One per line. No comments are allowed in the file.
;;; Questions? Contact matt@xxxxxxxxx
;;; This software is released under the terms of the GNU GPL
;; Xml Bill of Materials backend written by Mike Crowe starts here
;; shamelessly changed to format output as an xml document
;; question on xml changes should go to mcrowe@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
;; converts a bill of materials to a simple bom where the QNames are the
;; schematic attribute names and the geda values are xml CText
;; from here one should be able to .xsl to parse the xml bom
;; to ones own needs.
(use-modules (ice-9 rdelim)) ;; guile-1.8 fix
(define xmlbom
(lambda (output-filename)
(let ((port (if (string=? "-" output-filename)
(open-output-file output-filename)))
(attriblist (xmlbomparseconfig (open-input-file "attribs"))))
; (xmlbomprintlist (cons 'refdes attriblist) port #\:)
; (newline port)
(display "<?xml version=\"1.0\" encoding=\"UTF-8\"?>\n" port)
(display "<bom>\n" port)
(display "<part>\n\t<refdes>" port)
(xmlbomprintbom port (xmlbomcomponents packages attriblist) attriblist)
(display "\n</bom>\n" port)
(close-output-port port)
(define xmlbomprintbom
(lambda (port bomlist attriblist)
(if (not (null? bomlist))
(if (not (null? (caar bomlist)))
; here if a reference designator
(display (caaar bomlist) port)
(if (not (null? (cdaar bomlist)))
(write-char #\, port)
(xmlbomprintbom port (cons (cons (cdaar bomlist)(cdar bomlist))(cdr bomlist)) attriblist)
; else if anything else
(display "</refdes>\n" port)
(xmlbomprintlist (cdar bomlist) port #\: attriblist)
( if (not (null? (cdr bomlist)))
(display "\n<part>\n\t<refdes>" port)
(xmlbomprintbom port (cdr bomlist) attriblist)
(define (string-insert s i t) (string-replace s t i i))
(define (xmlsearchandappend s1 sstring rstring spos)
(let ((fpos1 (string-contains s1 sstring spos)))
(if fpos1
(string-insert s1 (+ 1 fpos1) rstring)
sstring rstring
(+ fpos1 (string-length rstring)))
(define xmlbomprintlist
(lambda (ls port delimiter attriblist)
(if (null? ls)
(display "\t<" port)
(display (car attriblist) port)
(display ">" port)
(display (xmlsearchandappend (car ls) "&" "amp;" 0) port)
; (display (car ls) port)
(display "\t</" port)
(display (car attriblist) port)
(display ">\n" port)
(if (null? (cdr ls))
(display "</part>" port)
(xmlbomprintlist (cdr ls) port delimiter (cdr attriblist)))
; Parses attrib file. Returns a list of read attributes.
(define xmlbomparseconfig
(lambda (port)
(let ((read-from-file (read-delimited " \n\t" port)))
(cond ((eof-object? read-from-file)
((= 0 (string-length read-from-file))
(xmlbomparseconfig port))
(cons read-from-file (xmlbomparseconfig port)))
(define xmlbommatch-list?
(lambda (l1 l2)
((and (null? l1)(null? l2))#t)
((null? l1) #f)
((null? l2) #f)
((not (string=? (car l1)(car l2)))#f)
(#t (xmlbommatch-list? (cdr l1)(cdr l2))))))
(define xmlbommatch?
(lambda (uref attriblist bomlist)
(if (null? bomlist)
(list (cons (list uref) attriblist))
(if (xmlbommatch-list? attriblist (cdar bomlist))
;; (cons (cons (cons uref (caar bomlist)) (cdar bomlist))(cdr bomlist))
(cons (cons (merge (list uref) (caar bomlist) string<? ) (cdar bomlist))(cdr bomlist))
(cons (car bomlist)(xmlbommatch? uref attriblist (cdr bomlist)))))))
(define xmlbomcomponents
(lambda (ls attriblist)
(if (null? ls)
(let ((package (car ls))
(bomlist (xmlbomcomponents (cdr ls) attriblist))
(attribs (xmlbomfind-attribs (car ls) attriblist)))
(if (not (string=? "unknown" (gnetlist:get-package-attribute package "nobom")))
(xmlbommatch? package attribs bomlist)))
(define xmlbomfind-attribs
(lambda (package attriblist)
(if (null? attriblist)
(cons (gnetlist:get-package-attribute package (car attriblist))
(xmlbomfind-attribs package (cdr attriblist))))))
;; Bill of Material backend written by Matt Ettus ends here
;; --------------------------------------------------------------------------
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