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Re: gEDA-user: Functional blocks and PCB format changes


but I prefer

#! /usr/bin/python

import yaml

from pprint import pprint

pcb = yaml.load('''
     pinNumber: 2
     pinName: "rst"
     x1: 1234
     y1: 4321
     x2: 2345
     y2: 4321
     layer: component
# or from file
#pcb = yaml.load(open(sys.argv[1], 'rb'))



{'pin': {'layer': 'component',
         'pinName': 'rst',
         'pinNumber': 2,
         'x1': 1234,
         'x2': 2345,
         'y1': 4321,
         'y2': 4321}}

When I add a new flag to the parser round....

#! /usr/bin/python

import yaml

from pprint import pprint

pcb = yaml.load('''
     pinNumber: 2
     pinName: "rst"
     x1: 1234
     y1: 4321
     x2: 2345
     y2: 4321
     layer: component
     round: true


{'pin': {'layer': 'component',
         'pinName': 'rst',
         'pinNumber': 2,
         'round': True,
         'x1': 1234,
         'x2': 2345,
         'y1': 4321,
         'y2': 4321}}

The parser dosen't need a new line
> my($layer)      = $pin->findnodes('./round/text()')->to_boolean ;

Or something like that.

My point about XML vs any data serialization language is that we have a data structure in out code that can be just dumped.

With XML we write a parser, with yaml we use a parser that is already written.

Now we may want to write a parser, and emitter, but that is a good amount of work, to serialize a data structure in the code that could be output be a data serializer that just works.

On Sep 13, 2010, at 6:57 PM, Ouabache Designworks wrote:

>     pin:
>      pinNumber: 2
>      pinName: "rst"
>      x1: 1234
>      y1: 4321
>      x2: 2345
>      y2: 4321
>      layer: component
>     or
>     <pin><pinNumber>2</pinNumber><pinName>"rst"<\pinName><x1>1234<\x1><y
>     1>4321<\y1><x2>2345<\x2><y2>5432<\y2><layer>component<\layer><\pin>
>     I call the second large, bloat, and ugly.
>   ---------------------------------------------
>   Here you go:
>   ===============================
>    #!/usr/bin/perl  -w
>     use strict;
>     use warnings;
>     my $filename = shift @ARGV;
>     use XML::LibXML;
>     my $parser = XML::LibXML->new();
>     my $doc    = $parser->parse_file($filename);
>     foreach
>     my $pin ($doc->findnodes('/pin')) {
>       my($pinNumber)  = $pin->findnodes('./pinNumber/text()')->to_literal
>   ;
>       my($pinName)    = $pin->findnodes('./pinName/text()')->to_literal ;
>       my($x1)         = $pin->findnodes('./x1/text()')->to_literal ;
>       my($y1)         = $pin->findnodes('./y1/text()')->to_literal ;
>       my($x2)         = $pin->findnodes('./x2/text()')->to_literal ;
>       my($y2)         = $pin->findnodes('./y2/text()')->to_literal ;
>       my($layer)      = $pin->findnodes('./layer/text()')->to_literal ;
>       print "pin\n";
>       print "  pinNumber: $pinNumber\n";
>       print "  pinName: $pinName\n";
>       print "  x1: $x1\n";
>       print "  y1: $y1\n";
>       print "  x2: $x2\n";
>       print "  y2: $y2\n";
>       print "  layer: $layer\n";
>    }
>   =================================
>   Simple perl script will make things pretty again. (after you fix the
>   your backslashes). Only takes
oops :-0  see how one can make mistakes  :-P
>   one extra module (libXML) that you can apt-get on ubuntu.  Going back
>   the other way is just as easy once
>   you write a parser for your format.
written already
in perl it is use yaml;  available on cpan

>   If size is an issue you can always store everything compressed.

I never really cared about size, gzip of bzip the bugger and you get faster load and store times..... for what ever format your using.

> Then
>   we can have another argument about
>   whether we should create our own compression scheme or use an existing
>   one.
I vote for quantum 1 bit compression!  this way all designs and files take up 4KB  ( the block size in most computers to store the file). :-)
and all PCBs ever created are the same file!   Included the first time you save the default layout!!!!

>   John Eaton
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