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[geo] General Education Online Quarter 1 Report

Hello again everyone!

General Education Online continues to exceed expectations, passing several
key milestones this past quarter.

1.  General Education Online v2.2.0rc2 released

On March 26, 2002, General Education Online released its v2.2.x for the
first time, after fixing many bugs reminiscent of the 2.0.0 release in the
2.1.x developer code series.  The release can be downloaded at
http://www.findaschool.org/releases/geo-2.2.0rc2.tgz .

2.  User Authentication model implemented.

Towards the end of March, General Education Online finally finished work on
pre-alpha code for the user authentication model for GEO.  At the moment,
the scripts are standalone, but will continue to be integrated into the
development codebase as quickly as possible.

3.  GEO continues on track for 2 million web hits in 2002.

General Education Online continues to remain on track for 2 million hits
(or more) in 2002, including close to 400,000 unique visitors.  Complete
statistics as of April 19, 2002 at 11:05 am EST are available at

4.  GEO continues "Strong Commitment to Open Source"

Despite interest from several large private companies in purchasing GEO and
establishing a closed source base, Project Manager / Primary Developer
Michael Viron reiterated his "very strong commitment to open source, as
well as to making sure our valuable resource is available to all visitors
with no fees and no irritating banner ads promoting various items that are
contrary to the core GEO tenants."

Now that I finally have a full linux development environment, I should be
able to develop and deploy new releases more rapidly.  Within a week or
two, I'll also have most of my computer related resources set-up for a lan,
and be better able to handle development, code writing, revisions, and so
forth at home.


Michael Viron
Project Manager / Primary Developer
General Education Online