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[geo] Database Schema
>Return-Path: <atbrotman@earthlink.net>
>Delivered-To: mviron@seul.org
>Subject: [geo] Database Schema
>From: Alex Brotman <atbrotman@earthlink.net>
>To: mviron@findaschool.org
>Date: 10 Jan 2002 21:15:38 -0500
>X-AntiVirus: scanned for viruses by AMaViS 0.2.1 (http://amavis.org/)
>i have to agree with mike about the facility thing :) -- i see mention
>of a category table ... but dont actually see one -- one thing about the
>user table ... how will you know which "group" they belong to? -- either
>a column in the user table with an int or a separate table if there is
>the possibility of a user being allowed to admin more than one group
>user_perms -- table of administrative permissions
>userid - int(11)
>groupid - int(11)
>so that you could have multiple occurances ... but you owuld end up with
>ugly SQL :) -- but it would work fairly well i think
>Please correct me if im wrong ... Thanks ...
>Hi, Here's a rough outline of the Dbase, as I see it: <grin> basic table
>(could we change this to "base"?) id int(11) auto_increment, not null
>faculty char(255),- name of faculty.
>link char(255),- URL
>country char(6),- iso character code for country.
>statechar(255),- don't really need it this big, but what the heck.
>category int,- category number matching category table
>language char(6)- iso language code for faculty. country table - list
>of iso country codes.
>code char(6),
>name char(60) language table - list of iso language codes.
>code char(6),
>name char(60) user - list of admins
>id int(11) auto_increment, not null
>username - char(20),
>fname - char(60),
>lname - char(60),
>passwd - char(30) group - listing of country codes which give access to
>particular admins
>id int(11) auto_increment, not null
>gname - char(20) - mnemonic name for group
>glist - text - listing of country codes link table - listing of external
>id int(11) auto_increment, not null
>name char(60),
>url char(255),
>category char(60), Comments please, Les