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[geo] IER News from December 2002
I apologize for posting such a long e-mail to the list (and to those of you
subscribed to more than one of these lists), but here are the two releases
from December 2002, for International Education Resources (IER).
IER / GEO Press Release (December 23rd 2002)
(by IER / GEO)
THE INTERNET, December 23rd, 2002 -- International Education Resources, a
sister project of General Education Online dedicated to developing and
maintaining a free online educational resources portal featuring original
content, announced its formation today. The online project will be located
at http://www.intledresources.org .
In January 2002, developers of General Education Online
(http://www.findaschool.org) decided to create a website portal featuring
companion information to GEO as the number of educational resource websites
submitted continued to increase. The all-volunteer effort will also attempt
to create a framework for handling original content describing various key
education procedures as well as how tos. Composed of key GEO developers,
IER hopes to build on their experience to bring IER to reality in late
2003, early 2004. (For more, see
http://www.intledresources.org/press/12-23-02.php )
IER / GEO Press Release (December 29th 2002)
(by IER / GEO)
THE INTERNET, December 29th, 2002 -- International Education Resources
(IER), a sister project of General Education Online (GEO) dedicated to
developing and maintaining a free online educational resources portal
featuring original content, officially announced its membership in
Schoolforge (http://www.schoolforge.net) today.
Schoolforge's mission is to unify independent organizations that advocate,
use, and develop open resources for primary and secondary education. IER
will benefit from membership in Schoolforge in several key areas:
- additional development and content resources beyond those available from
GEO alone;
- the ability to reach a broader audience more quickly;
- the ability to partner with additional organizations in a more timely
manner through Schoolforge; and
- a centralized place to post news and other organizational information.
( For more see http://www.intledresources.org/press/12-29-02.php )
-- End Press Releases for December 2002 --
Michael Viron
Project Manager / Primary Developer
General Education Online
International Education Resources