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Re: Indialer screen shots

> On Thu, 16 Dec 1999, JF Martinez wrote:
> >
> > > 
> > > Comments welcome.
> > > 
> > 
> > There is a feature I would like: DNS autoconfiguration.  In fact the
> > PPP of RedHAt and Indy 6.1 just writes the DNS parms to the log and
> > there is a way to direct its output not to the log but to pipe or
> > program so we can modify the resolv.conf either on a per connection
> > base or at config time.
> > 
> Are you referring to a stand alone DNS autoconfguration feature that
> will work with *any* dialer? 
> The Indialer *will* DNS autoconfigure by default unless the user
> chooses to insert their own nameservers in the spaces provided. This
> will be done on a per connection basis by modifying resolve.conf.
> I will  be done with my current work schedule soon and will have a
> little more time to work on Indialer then in the resent past.

Just that I didn't see (or overlooked) a button with "DNS autoconf" in
it.  However the lesser questions we ask, the best.  Can you see a
situation where the user could use another DNS than its ISP's?

			Jean Francois Martinez

Project Independence: Linux for the Masses