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I have posted the text 'Why Indy' for discussion about goals, once it
is definitive it should go to Web site.

By end of weekend I hope to complete the steps to make Indy
installable.  Following policy of small but frequent steps this week
edition will be vanilla Redhat (with RedHat logos in install since
install is to be replaced pretty soon) with some modifications: So
this week edition will have the following

-Every update is applied.

-By use of gcc instead of egcs we wlll get that software recompiled
for Indy will be significantly faster than the vanilla one in RedHat.
I cannot recompile everything but I hope a recompiled glibc and kernel
will provide a speed bonus to non recompiled applications.

-Clustering software will have been removed to make some space (too geeky)
-Newer versions of Gtk and Gimp (new Gnome will be left for another edition).
 New  Gimp manual. Blender.  Goal is to give Indy a graphic creation touch.
-I hope to include new LILO version and as usual in Indy make it display
how to solve booting problems.

Now for people willing to participate.  In order to have reproducible
compilations we need every developer having the same exact libraries
and compilers installed.  For now the simplest solution will be to
install everything but I hope we will have soon a script listing only
developer tools and libraries so people would be able to installing
only what is need for development.  People who for some reason cannot
set a 'developer-conformant' partition can still be developers but
final build must be made by a person having a conformant partition

			Jean Francois Martinez

Project Independence: Linux for the Masses