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Re: Indy (beta?)

   On Sat, 18 Mar 2000, R.G. Mayhue wrote:

   > Are we shooting for a beta release of Indy on this round

   I'd hope so (-; We really want to be on CD. It's psychologically bad
   us not to be. Speaking for myself, it's the main reason I slacked
off. We
   need to get *something* on CD.

It is psychologically bad for me too

   > 1) XFree86-4.0 has been released and I downloaded and compiled from
   > source before the binaries were released and have been running it
   > since with no major problems. Do we want to include it? No other
   > has yet. We would be first.

   Does it work with all cards ? This is one problem. Another issue is
   it is *difficult* to configure, because Redhat's XConfigurator
   work with it yet ( unless someone can hack at it ).

In fact since XF86Setup is not included it has NO configurator for it
unless you consider xf86config
as one.  I don't.  Xconfigurator has an example file embedded in its
source and if my memory is good it just printf's it with some %d and %s
at the right place.

   > 2) Daily RPM builds for the KDE 2 alpha have been released and the
   > code base has been frozen. 

   I believe the APIs are frozen.
   > Only bug fixes allowed at this point. Most
   > reports a have read are fairly good. 

   I find it usable but there are some stupid bugs at least with the one
   using. For example, the logout button doesn't work. 

   > 3) Add Donovan's fonts, Indialer and the Tips we have been talking
   > (Plus anything else I may have missed).

   Those Microsoft fonts are really good. ( as opposed to my ones which
   basically cheap adobe knockoffs ) 

   We should, IMO, investigate the
   possibility of adding the gratis MS fonts. if we can't do this, we
   write a little program that downloads and installs them. ( I could do

   THere are some other nice tweaks we could include , such as tweaking
   ghostscript Fontmap so that it automatically works with the MS font

   BTW, I am trying to learn C and python to make myself more useful (-;

Problem with Python is the realtive dearth of litterature if we
compare it with Perl.

			Jean Francois Martinez

Project Independence:  Linux for the masses