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iptraf version 3 filters: do they work at all? Are they documented?

I've just spent the past half hour trying to get filters in iptraf version 3 to let *anything* through.  No matter what I put in the filter, *nothing* gets through.

Even the simplest filter: for both source and dest, Include, Match Opposite No, All IP Yes, lets nothing through.  How can that be? As far as I can tell, the filter is saying to let everything through.

Most telling is:
  • Apply a filter, any filter
  • It let's nothing through
  • Edit the filter, making only this change: change include to exclude or vice versa
  • Still nothing gets through
Either that's just wrong, or I'm totally lost.  Seems like everything let through by the "Include" version of a filter should be blocked by the "Exclude" version of a filter, and vice versa.  But neither is letting anything through.

And it's sure not because there's no network traffic.  There's plenty.  As can be seen by detaching the filter.

Just in case the problem really is my thorough misunderstanding, I've tried to find filter documentation.  But all that I've found is for version 2.  And version 3 looks quite a lot different.  Is there any version 3 filter documentation anywhere?

Please help.