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Re: R: Log analysis requirements

--- Pierluigi Conte <Contep@cpne.it> wrote:
> The great thing is to summarize and manage the log files without
> accessing a database. Try to think to a poor pc (linux gateways in a
> lot of companies are old stuff because the "save money" politics)
> running iptables mysql iptraf and other stuff. Not so great.

I'd like to see the tool (whether part of IPTraf or as an external
tool) be configurable so that the user can choose one storage
method over another.  So you could dump to a file, or dump to 
a database connection, or dump to a URL.

Note that just because we want to log to a database doesn't mean
the db has to be on the local machine.  I'd certainly want to write
the db output tool to handle just about any database backend, not
tied to any particular db.

The tool can be made to be flexible and lean.  I'm not so concerned
about that.  What I'd like to know is what people are looking for
from an analysis standpoint.

So far, we have "summarize bandwidth usage, per IP, per protocol".
What else?


Greg Fenton

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