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[Libevent-users] [LibEvent-users] Help on âevhttp_send_reply_chunkâ

I am seeing the a random behavior with persistent http connection. Any help on this would be appreciated.
The scenario:
1.       Got a http server implemented using libevent in C++
2.       There is a http client using _javascript_.
3.       The _javascript_ creates an EventSource (Which internally generates a http GET request) for setting a persistent data channel between the _javascript_ & the server.
4.       The server stores this channel(req got through the call back for a specific URL) & uses this channel to send data at some intervals. And to do so it uses âevhttp_send_reply_chunkâ
I am observing the following issue.
1.       Some times when the http server writes some data to this channel, the http server crashes.
2.       Sometimes the _javascript_ gets a error notification that the Eventsource has closed unexpectedly.
Is the persistent connection created by eventsource object is handled by libeevent http server as persistent till the âevhttp_send_reply_endâ is called?