I would like to thank you for this great library. I am using libevent http API to run a simple web server. I started using the http-server.c example but now I am trying to accept post requests. I can receive data and reply back but I would like to read the parameters sent from the user agent. I tried this:
void servlet(struct evhttp_request *req, struct evbuffer *evb) {
size_t len = evbuffer_get_length(evhttp_request_get_input_buffer(req));
struct evbuffer *in_evb = evhttp_request_get_input_buffer(req);
char *data;
evbuffer_copyout(in_evb, data, len);
time_t now;
evbuffer_add_printf(evb, "<html>\n <head>\n"
" <title>%s</title>\n"
" </head>\n"
" <body>\n"
" <h1>%s</h1>\n"
" <p>Current time is: %s</p>"
" <p>received data size: %d</p></body></html>"
" <p>received data: </p></body></html>",
"C servlet title",
"C servlet",
"Content-Type", "text/html");
evhttp_send_reply(req, 200, "OK", evb);
But is I try a POST with curl I get
Bus error: 10
and the server crashes. I am using a Mac. Without
struct evbuffer *in_evb = evhttp_request_get_input_buffer(req);
char *data;
the code works. Do you have an idea why. Is there any example I could use?
Thanks a lot.
Riccardo Tacconi
Ruby on Rails and PHP development - System Administration